Are you at a crossroads?
Are you exhausted and struggling with relationships?
Are you looking for answers within?
Are you experiencing unexplained emotions, depression, anxiety, weight issues, fears, phobias, etc? Do you have dreams or “glimpses” of past lives? Do you wonder why you’re here on Earth?
Are you suffering from health challenges?
Are you experiencing chronic, unexplained pain or about to undergo surgery? Have you had an accident?
You’re in the right place. It’s the perfect time.
QHHT® is an amazing journey of your consciousnesses and truly is a way of finding that all answers and healing lie within.
Suzanne Spooner, QHHT® Practitioner
People come for a QHHT® session for many reasons. Some come out of curiosity, some have questions about their life purpose, family, work, or health issues. Overall, clients want to better understand why their life has been the way it has, and most importantly, how to move forward in the best way possible.
Clients come with life threatening diseases, pain, discomfort, depression or addictions. They come with a desire to make their life better. Many times they may feel an inner knowing that they are meant to be doing “something” different with their life but need clarity on what that something is. And sometimes they come with questions about our universe, God or Source and their connection to it.
the voice of your heart
Tap into your own higher self through the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ and reconnect with the voice of your heart to solve deep-seated issues and expand your awareness.
Along with discovering answers, you may find profound healing of chronic pain, illness and disease when you’re ready and willing to let go of these manifestations.
a proven healing method
The Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ pioneered by Dolores Cannon, represents over 45 years of groundbreaking investigation and has been transforming the health and well being of thousands of people all over the world by enabling certified practitioners to practice exactly the way she practiced and achieve similar phenomenal results.
There are no guarantees but some of the amazing healing results achieved by Dolores and practitioners of her QHHT® method include but are not limited to:
- Cancer of all types at various stages being cured
- Cartilage being reconstructed between joints
- AIDS being cured and eradicated from the body
- Heart conditions being healed, afterwards surgery is no longer required
- Deteriorated livers being regenerated and restored to full function
- Damaged kidneys being regenerated and restored to full function
- Open flesh wounds being regenerated with no scarring
- 20/20 vision being restored where people no longer need corrective vision
- Diabetes being cured and the causes for it explained
- Intestinal problems being cured
- Lower and middle back problems being cured
- Neck and shoulder pains being removed
- Migraines being explained and their root causes removed

awaken and empower
Emotional issues, oftentimes, can place a greater strain on a person’s overall well-being than physical issues. The majority of Lili’s clients find emotional relief and healing along with a deep sense of peace by answering the following types of questions:

- What is my purpose and mission on Earth?
- How can I improve my relationship with my partner?
- What is the best diet for me?
- What steps do I need to take to accomplish a certain goal?
- Why am I experiencing this illness/pain?
- What is the best job/career for me?
- What caused this challenge? How can I solve it?
- Why do I suffer from an addiction and what can I do overcome it?
- What are the lessons I need to learn from this situation?
magical state of healing
QHHT® works by guiding you into a Theta brainwave state that occurs naturally twice a day, right before you fall asleep and right when you’re waking up. In this magical dream state, you and the practitioner travel through time and space guided by your subconscious to gather and retrieve valuable and appropriate information that provides insight into your life now.
During a QHHT® session, even though you’re in the deepest trance, you’re still aware which allows you to integrate the subconscious with the conscious mind. At this point, you allow your ego to take a backseat and the most loving part of you, your highest self, superconscious or what Dolores referred to as the subconscious (SC), can speak loud and clear.
The healing that occurs during a session can happen instantaneously and usually continues for months and years into the future as you process and integrate all that you’ve learned and experienced during your journey.

all the answers are within
Meditation, spiritual practices, yoga, exercise, being in nature and learning can all help us to access higher states of consciousness. A Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ Session can catapult your self-awareness to the superconscious state that even years of meditating may not yield. Superconsciousness is the awareness of oneself in perfect love, ineffable joy, and calm, expansive wisdom.

This allows you to experience direct access to all those things you know but you may not remember. This self-knowledge will empower you to move forward with clarity and confidence along with recognizing the amazing powers you hold within to heal yourself.
After only one session, you will know that you do have all the answers inside and you will be given the key to access that state over and over if you desire.
Many of my clients have quarterly, semi-annual or annual check-ins to validate their own knowing.
it’s so easy
All you have to do is be open to the process, relax and talk. The practitioner creates a safe space for your transformation to occur, guides you into the deepest trance state and asks the right questions for you to get the most out of your session. When it’s all over, you’ll feel more refreshed and wonderful than you have in a long time.
One session is all you need to get started on the road to healing yourself. Periodically, it’s helpful to have a follow-up “check-in” as times are changing so quickly these days. Many clients choose to visit on an annual, semi-annual or quarterly basis. For these, Lili suggests a BQH or Soul Speak Session which is a natural follow-up to a QHHT® Session and usually takes less time.
If you prefer an extended personal relationship with coaching to raise your consciousness and self-awareness, book your Complimentary FREE 45-minute Breakthrough Session HERE. You’ll gain clarity on your next best steps and we’ll figure out if we’re a good fit for each other and which coaching program will serve you the best.
All QHHT® sessions are conducted IN PERSON and consists of 3 parts:
- life review
- guided journey
- debrief and summary
A session spans 4-8 hours OR as long as it takes to uncover and reveal all there is to know. Time flies by when you’re having fun with an interested audience and this time will positively affect every part of your well-being.
It’s one of the easiest and best gifts you’ll ever give yourself.

gift yourself today
When you’re ready to embark on the healing journey of a lifetime and you either live or desire to travel to the lovely Pacific NW in Bellingham, WA, gift yourself a transformative Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ session with Lili McGovern, a Level 2 certified QHHT® practitioner.

Learn more about the philosophy and founder of QHHT® here:
If you’re unable to travel to Lili, schedule your Soul Speak Session today and find out how to decode your body’s messages in a 1-hour online session!
If you don’t live or wish to travel to Bellingham, WA, Lili may be able to travel to you, please contact her here to discuss arrangements or find a practitioner who lives near you on the Official QHHT® site here.
Book your healing QHHT® Session with Lili today!

QHHT® Practitioner
Group Past Life Regressions are a light-hearted way to give your tribe a healing shared experience:

In the entire fabric of your existence, this life is a brilliant, eternally unique and precious portion but only a portion, from which you emerge with joy and understanding whether you die tomorrow or in years to come…Feel and appreciate the joy of your own being.
Jane Roberts, The Nature of Personal Reality