When you win, I win. When you are victorious, we are all victors. Life is meant to be lived in a state of joy, discovery and gratitude as we each journey together on the path of our hearts’ evolution.
Lili McGovern
Lili is a very special, a truly rare individual emanating beauty from within and spreading it exponentially. Any time spent with her is a gift.
I encourage all knowledge seekers on a spiritual quest to engage with Lili. You will not regret it. You will find she is laser-focused on helping you and a treasure trove for setting you on a path to ultimate happiness.
Mary Lockman

a note from Lili:
Welcome Lovely!
I’m honored to act as your professional guide to access your highest states of consciousness in the Akash.
Together we’ll help you remember, recover and reveal your very best self so you can carry out your unique mission in this world with confidence and joy.
Creating a safe and sacred container for your transformation and healing to occur is my specialty.
Your story needs to be heard and witnessed, and I’m always fascinated to learn how you’ve created your life, what your dreams and goals are and how you’ve navigated your reality up until now.
It’s my honor to witness your transformation at the deepest and highest levels of consciousness.
You matter.
The world shines brighter when you contribute your unique gifts.
I look forward to joining you on your journey to joy, health, fulfillment and evolution.
My mission is to empower you to optimize your full health and potential in mind + body + spirit.
Here’s one of my fave quotes from a wise soul’s high self:
The state of grace is a condition in which all growth is effortless, a transparent, joyful acquiescence that is a ground requirement of all existence…You were born into a state of grace…It is impossible for you to leave it. You will die in a state of grace whether or not special words are spoken for you, or water or oil is poured upon your head. You share this blessing with the animals and all other living beings. You cannot “fall out of” grace, nor can it be taken from you.
Jane Roberts The Nature of Personal Reality, pg. 150
a little more background on Lili McGovern
With an unwavering belief in the absolute dignity of every human life, Lili “Liliboo” McGovern serves as a catalyst for quantum transformation, unlocking the boundless potential inherent in each individual. Liliboo champions the cause of world peace through individual actualization and absolute happiness.
Liliboo’s approach is characterised by a unique blend of ancient buddhist philosophy combined with the latest neuroscience, positive psychology and a healthy dose of motherly compassion. Her profound understanding of the human experience informs her offerings which are a pathway for women over 40 to reclaim their power and rewrite their narratives. In her words, “Your history is not your destiny and every moment is a new moment to remember your brilliance and write your new story.”
Her study and research includes these degrees and certifications:
- Elite Mentorship Trainer with the Peter Sage Academy, directly trained by Peter Sage
- Creatively Fit Coach trained directly by Whitney Freya
- Reactivation Coach trained by David Key
- Active Level 2 Practitioner of QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique® directly trained by Julia Cannon, Dolores Cannon’s daughter
- Soul Speak Practitioner directly trained by Julia Cannon
- BQH Beyond Quantum Healing Practitioner trained by Candace Craw-Goldman
- Ordained Minister in the Universal Life Church.
- The Emotion Code®Practitioner
- AromaTouch™ Technique
- Leader in the SGI-USA organization for over 30 years
- BA Psychology, University of CA -Santa Barbara
- AA Philosophy, Santa Barbara City College
Other timelines for Lili include: artist (acrylics, watercolors, spirit dolls), singer/songwriter (acoustic folk/rock), outdoor enthusiast (hiking, biking, and running), and graphic designer. She’s lived all over the country, including California, Texas, Maine and Alaska.
She’s proud to call Bellingham, WA, home, the jewel of the Pacific NW, which she thoroughly enjoys with her husband Todd, of over 32 years and their son plus the two fab furball tuxedo twin cats, Rocky and Buttercup.
As a mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt and friend, she’s experienced many of life’s challenges which have served as the curriculum for her personal evolution. Because she’s learned how to heal herself she’s called to assist others in healing themselves. She’s determined to live a life with no regrets and to fulfill her mission of spreading joy and sovereignty.
All of her experiences have lead to her current passion of empowering others through speaking, teaching and inspiring others to fulfill their potential as a Transformational Self-Empowerment Coach and Guide to the Akash.